


在9月30日之前完成申请, 2024年将被考虑申请2024 - 25学年的本科和研究生奖学金.

Rhode Island College offers a variety of scholarships to any enrolled student who demonstrates financial need. 普通奖学金提供给符合条件的学生,无论他们的专业. 独特的奖学金要求学生满足额外的资格标准. 


1 Lt. 格雷戈里·F. 扎沃塔人道主义奖学金申请人必须证明有人道主义行为和社区服务. 全日制学生将获优先考虑, 是谁, 按照这个顺序, 运动, 尤其是在田径比赛中, 参加后备军官训练队,总平均成绩不低于3分.25.
Alma Bishop Doley '30捐赠奖学金申请人必须是全日制学生,总平均成绩不低于2分.5. 申请人必须表现出坚强的性格,符合经济需求.
安娜H. 布兰克斯坦捐赠奖学金申请人必须符合经济需要.
安妮·沃尔什·凯恩64年捐赠奖学金申请人必须是符合经济需要的全日制本科生. Preference shall be given to applicants who can demonstrate current or past residency with the Chad Brown Housing Project located in Providence, RI.女生及/或主修教育专业的学生.
安东尼·米. 马西艾德. 1974年,1977年的CAGS和Lillian J. 马西申请人必须获得罗德岛社区学院的副学士学位. 申请人的总平均成绩必须不低于3分.0分并符合经济需要. 尼科洛和玛丽亚·马西的后代将优先考虑申请人.
阿曼德·帕特鲁科捐赠奖学金申请人必须以全日制本科生的身份入学,总平均成绩不低于2分.50. 申请人必须表现出强大的努力和品格,并符合经济需求.
贝弗利L. 麦金尼斯奖学金申请人可以注册为全日制或非全日制学生,最低总GPA为2.67. 申请人 must have completed a minimum of 30 Rhode Island College credit hours and demonstrate community involvement on and off campus.
西莉亚·穆尼尔奖学金请注意:该奖学金有两个奖项. 嘉许奖: 申请人必须是返回大学的成年少数民族,并符合经济需要. 优异奖: 申请人必须是高中毕业的少数民族学生,并且有资格获得经济需求. 这个奖项的基础是功绩.
1951级奖学金申请人必须为全日制本科、二年级、三年级或四年级学生. 申请人还必须是罗德岛居民,并符合经济需求. Preference will be given to a child or grandchild of a graduate of the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development or a Rhode Island College graduate and have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
1954级奖学金申请人必须为全日制本科、二年级、三年级或四年级学生. 申请人还必须是罗德岛居民,并符合经济需求. 将优先考虑男性和女性.
1956级奖学金申请人必须为全日制本科、二年级、三年级或四年级学生. 申请人还必须是罗德岛居民,并符合经济需求.
埃德娜米. 斯诺77年捐赠奖学金申请人必须为全日制本科、二年级、三年级或四年级学生. 申请人还必须是罗德岛居民,并符合经济需求. 居住在东普罗维登斯或大普罗维登斯地区的申请人将优先考虑.
尤金和莱昂内·达顿纪念捐赠奖学金申请人必须符合经济需要, demonstrate interest and concern for continuing their education and have an overall seriousness of purpose.
范士丹青年领导奖学金申请人必须是全日制学生,符合经济需要并达到学术标准. 申请人 must also meet the requirements of performing 30 hours of community service during the academic year. 凡为范士丹青年esball官方网者优先考虑.
弗洛伦斯米. Baker 2003年授予奖学金申请人可以招收全日制或非全日制本科生或研究生. 申请人 GPAs must meet the department's requirements and applicants must qualify for financial need. Preference will be given to slightly older or nontraditional applicants who are enrolled as an undergraduate. This is defined as an applicant who has taken one or more years off before beginning or returning to college.
弗朗西斯·米. 马奇尼亚克为音乐教育设立了奖学金申请人必须主修音乐教育. 申请人 must also be student teaching in the semester of the award or have successfully completed student teaching.
弗雷德里克年代. Crisafulli医学博士纪念奖学基金申请人必须正在学习意大利语和/或从事医学专业工作. 了解更多关于这项奖学金的信息.
金学生奖学金The purpose of the 金学生奖学金 is to acknowledge and award a Project ExCEL student who has not only shown 领导, 良好品格, 和完整性. 而且,该学生总体上是一名优秀的学生.
海伦L. 诺兰奖学金申请人 must be enrolled full time and must be a graduate of Tolman High School and qualify for financial need. 这个奖项的基础是学术成就和经济需要.
约翰·拿撒里安捐赠奖学金申请人必须以本科生身份入学,并符合优异成绩或经济需要的条件. 申请人 must be Rhode Island residents at the time of the first application to Rhode Island College.
美E. 戈弗雷,1930届捐赠基金毕业生申请人必须符合经济需要和优点.
迈克尔·J. 《贝博esball官方网站》1986年贡萨尔维斯奖学金First preference will be given to applicants who are victims of the Station Nightclub Fire and their family. Second preference will be given to applicants who are fraternity brothers of Kappa Delta Phi and their direct relations. 如果没有申请人符合这些偏好, 然后申请者必须注册为全日制本科传播专业, 有良好的学术地位和资格的经济需求.
P. Pelini & V. Pelene基金申请人必须符合经济需要.
David M教授. 哈里斯纪念奖学金申请人 must be enrolled as full-time undergraduate juniors or seniors with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0分并符合经济需要.
理查德·朗格万捐赠奖学金申请人 must be enrolled as full-time or part-time incoming freshmen and qualify for financial need. 申请人还必须表现出参与公共服务和/或政府的愿望. 我们将优先考虑克服了巨大挑战或障碍的申请人.
Richard Zorabedian纪念奖学金申请人 must be Rhode Island residents currently enrolled or newly accepted to Rhode Island College. 他们必须从认可的高中毕业或获得普通教育水平证书. 申请人还必须符合经济需要和学术成绩的要求. 持有普通教育文凭的申请人将获优先考虑, a high school graduate or a former college student who has been out of school for at least two years.
罗伯特·L. 伦巴第86年捐赠纪念奖学金申请人必须注册为全日制本科或研究生通信或护理专业. 申请人的总平均成绩必须不低于3分.0分并符合经济需要. 通讯专业和/或罗德岛居民优先考虑.
北普罗维登斯扶轮社捐赠奖学金申请人必须作为本科新生入学,并符合经济需求. 申请人还必须是北普罗维登斯的居民.
热尔维斯家族纪念奖学金申请人必须是全日制学生,总平均成绩不低于2分.5. 申请人还必须符合经济需要并表现出良好的学术地位. 女性申请者和/或目前在沃恩塞克特居住的学生将优先考虑.
海伦·穆伦·伦巴第奖学金申请人 must be enrolled as full-time undergraduate incoming freshmen who graduated in the top 25% of their high school class. 申请人还必须符合经济需求.
Helene Penza奖学金申请人 must be adults returning to college who are enrolled in counseling education and qualify for financial need.
默特尔·卡林奖学金申请人必须是全日制学生,并且符合经济需要. 申请人必须毕业于托尔曼或谢伊高中.
Therese L. (Marchand) Sullivan '46捐赠奖学金申请人必须是全日制或非全日制学生. 他们的总平均成绩必须不低于2分.8,并且必须在其专业中完成至少30个学分. 申请人还必须符合经济需要的条件, 按照这个顺序, 已婚或单亲, 伍恩塞克特高中毕业生或现居伍恩塞克特的居民, 或者是林肯高中的毕业生或者是林肯的现居民.
图利奥·德罗比奥奖学金申请人 must be enrolled as undergraduates or non-degree undergraduates who intend to become degree candidates. 申请人 must be clients of the Office of Academic Support and either a new student or a student in good academic standing. 申请人必须证明可以减轻的经济需要.


艾伦·J. 智利1982年杰出领导奖申请人必须以本科四年级学生的身份入学,学术成绩良好. 申请人必须通过校园就业或学生参与证明其积极影响, 积极的人际关系和同事的尊重, 同行, 教师, 员工和管理人员. 申请人还必须表现出杰出的领导才能, 能够与他人一起工作,并在团队环境中成功地与他人合作. 有兴趣参加该奖项的学生请联系 学生办公室主任.
Col. 约翰J. & Mary Drew Prybyla奖学金申请人必须提交一份申请,并且是罗德岛国民警卫队的成员.
唐纳德·C. 阿弗维尔纪念奖学金申请人必须是本科三年级或四年级学生,总GPA最低为2分.5. 申请人 must demonstrate evidence of substantial contribution to the life of the college through participation in student activities or other endeavors.
Dr. 弗兰克一个. 和Camille S. Bucci奖学金申请人必须积极参与学生事务,总平均成绩不低于3分.0分并符合经济需要.
Mary Juskalian上进奖学金申请人必须是升学计划的大四本科生. 申请人必须有很强的高中和上升期gpa. They must be planning a full-time course of study at an accredited postsecondary institution in the fall of the student's graduation year from the Upward Bound Program. 他们必须符合财务需求,并表现出成熟度, 领导, 在大学取得成功的承诺和决心. 申请人必须在未来支持上升班计划及其参与者. They must submit a presentation for requested documentation to confirm postsecondary enrollment each semester during the first year as well as provide evidence of a minimum overall GPA of 2.5个.
Michelina "Miki" Doretto Santos奖学金请注意:该奖学金有两个奖项. 上进奖的申请者 必须以本科毕业生的身份从上进项目毕业. 他们的高中和向上的gpa必须处于良好的地位. 他们应该表现出成熟, 领导, 对成功的承诺和决心,并计划在esball官方网全日制学习. 申请人的平均成绩必须不低于2分.在高等教育第一学年的每个学期中获得5美元,并且有资格获得经济需求. 退伍军人/退伍军人配偶奖申请人 must be identified by the vice president of 学生 Affairs in consultation with the Veteran's Office and the dean of students.
校长捐赠多样性奖学金申请人必须注册为全日制学生,高中总GPA最低为3分.0. 他们必须是学校规定的少数族裔,并且有资格获得经济援助. 申请人必须通过课外活动表现出对更大社区的承诺, 体育运动, 志愿服务和/或社区参与.
Ridgway F. 小希恩.、留学基金申请人 must be undergraduates who have completed a minimum of 30 Rhode Island College credit hours. They must be in good academic standing and return to Rhode Island College for at least one full semester. 申请人须与留学主任及教职员协商。.
约瑟夫·L. 科斯塔1971年捐赠奖学金申请人 must be enrolled as undergraduate freshmen or sophomores who graduated from a Rhode Island high school. They must be a first-generation college student qualifying for financial need as well as an active recipient of the Pell Grant. 参加预备入学计划的申请人将优先考虑.
上进奖学金申请人 must be an Upward Bound graduate whose parents do not have a four-year college/university degree. They must plan to matriculate at a four-year college/university in the fall following high school graduation and qualify for financial need. 他们必须表现出强大, progressive academic development in high school and a high level of community engagement and character. 申请人必须提交一篇论文. 半决赛选手将被邀请参加面试.

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